College Life Update

 Hello All! I hope you have been enjoying my most recent posts for my school. Along this journey I have realized so much about myself. 

First of all... nursing school sucks but is amazing at the same time. I cannot begin to comprehend how much I am blessed to be on track to be a nurse. On the other hand, there is so much freaking homework and time commitment to classes. Balance is necessary. This is more and more evident by the amount of time I constantly spend on classes and homework. You can certainly find me up WELL past 1 am. This is the life of a nursing student. 

Second of is hard to balance. Now, by no means am I saying anything bad or even remotely close to bad. All I'm saying is if you want to be a college athlete, be ready to lose your mind trying to balance: hard classes, studying, life, jobs, and your sport. Oh and you can't forget about being sore and then having to, in my case, get up for clinical the next morning at 5 am. BUT with this said, soccer has taught me how to use my physical and mental strength to better myself with classes and difficult tasks I may face. 

And finally... needing to find time to relax and be in the moment with myself. It is insanely difficult to find time for myself, even on the weekends. Once again if I'm not sleeping, I'm studying and doing all the homework I have to do. My goal this week is to truly find and hour each day for myself to do something good for me and that can benefit me mentally. Whether it be painting for an hour, spa day, watching TV, or mediating, I believe we can all benefit from a break. I encourage all of my readers to do the same this week. RELAX!





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