CANS Mental Health T-shirt Orders!
Hey everyone, just a quick update...April is Mental Health Awareness Month! This month CANS, Clarke Association of Nursing Students, is selling mental health awareness shirts. For more information reach out to any of our board members...or... click the link here! This is an amazing opportunity to support NAMI. NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness. This is a cause that is near and dear to many clarkies hearts. Please join me and several others in supporting this cause. T-shirt designs feature a smiley face saying be kind to your mind and on the back it states tomorrow needs you with the National Suicide Hotline number.
If you or anyone you know is struggling, please encourage them to call that number or talk to someone they can trust. This can save a life and honestly help make someones day by just seeing the shirt. Please consider ordering and supporting this cause as all funds go towards NAMI in Dubuque!
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